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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Is It Time To Pay The Student Athletes?

Has the time arrived when it is time to pay the the student athletes in college sports? The debate has raged on for many years and many people offer differing views on this topic. I thought I would put my two cents in on on this subject as well.

Toady's student athletes in big time college athletics (Football, Men's college basketball) generates millions of dollars for the university on a annual basis and the student athlete only receives a free education (scholarship)? The money generated on merchandise sales and all the different apparel creates a lot more cash flow than the average scholarship! I know critics will point to the purity of college athletics, but have we not passed that a long time ago?

It is time to quit pretending that we are living in the times when school pride and tradition is all that mattered. Today, it is about the almighty dollar ,and how fast the student athlete can get to the " next level". It has become a game within the game on many levels and today's student athlete is getting tired of being used as a pawn for the next coach to go off and make many millons of dollars while the student athlete is left behind with no options.

I believe it is time to change policy and start paying the student athletes and allow them the ability to afford that pizza on a Saturday after the big game and allow the student athlete the privilege of being like the big donor ( who never played a sport) for at least a moment. The student athlete is the one that allows us as fans to enjoy the moments of college athletics and yet they are the ones often left out after the big game celebration while we as as fans continue to buy their jerseys and all the other souvenirs that go with a typical game day atmosphere.

I do not have all the answers as to how this can be done, but I do believe it is time to look at this issue and find a way to help the the student athlete in some way. I do know the schools are getting wealthy everyday on this current system and yet the persons that drive their business are still looking for enough money to enjoy their night out on a Saturday night after the big game.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

According to the latest US News, a Full-time in state student will pay around $10K per year, and out of state, $30K per year at UT Knoxville. And, the median income per household member (including all working and non-working members above the age of 14) was $26,036 in 2006. Well, looks like those players from out of state are making more than the average person in the United States. However, those in state students are getting jipped. Maybe we should pay them the extra $20K to make up for it. Then they could afford the pizza for their friends who are from out of state. But that isn't fair either. Wait, I've got it. Here's what you do. When the players leave the showers and get their towel, we only put $100 in the towel for the out of state players and $200 for the instate players. No one sees that money any way.